If you feel that your speed when connected to our VPN is slow, we encourage you to take a speed test to check this and send us the results.
When performing a speed test, you should do it at speedtest.net which is the most prominent internet speed testing site, but you should be warry of a few things that can effect your speeds results that are not connected to our VPN:
1. LZO compression: OpenVPN protocol. which is the VPN protocol most commonly used now-a-days and also the protocol AnonymousVPN uses, uses LZO compression library to compress files... Kinda like .zip format which is more well known, LZO compresses the size of some files types, which can indeed increase data throughput, but does not count against your ‘real’ bandwidth usage. Files that are already compressed, such as .zip, .rar, and .mp3, and .jpg files, do not benefit much from additional compression. So this can sometimes confuse speedtest.net
2. OpenVPN can be run over either the TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) or UDP (User Datagram Protocol) transports. TCP uses error correction to verify that a data packet has arrived before resending the packet (if no confirmation is received), or sending the next packet (if confirmation is received). UDP on the other hand doesn’t care, and keeps on sending packets regardless of whether they have arrived or not.
UDP is consequently faster (but less reliable) than TCP.
3. ISP throttling - ISP's normally throttle traffic of certain types. Bitorrent traffic for example is regularly throttled (slowed down) by most ISP's.
4. Programs that hog bandwidth - When trying to perform an accurate speed test, it is important to check that you are not running background programs and processes that are hogging your bandwidth and slowing down your connection.
This is particularly a factor with uploads, as while most ISPs are fairly generous with download limits, upload bandwidth is typically much more limited. As a rule of the thumb, using more than 1/4 of your upload speed will noticeably slow down your download speeds.
BitTorrent clients are particularly notable culprits for hogging upload bandwidth, but you should also keep an eye on online storage services such as Dropbox and Google Drive (and pause them during bandwidth speed testing).